Sunday, January 2, 2011


So I guess everyone knows yesterday was New Year’s Day and everyone was busy recovering from their hangovers due to the binging of the night before. But I, being under the curse of New Year’s Eve was in bed blowing my nose trying to recuperate from the massive headache I had. Unfortunately not because I drank too much but because I got sick exactly on the morn of 31st December. To tell you truth I wasn’t surprised as something always goes wrong for me on NYE, something that manages to stop me from enjoying my night. Before going out I only felt exhausted until we headed to this club and I seriously felt like someone was smacking me in the head with a baseball bat with every beat, and every flash of UV light flashing on and off. Watching everyone pouring booze in their glasses and having a good time I was asking myself why I am always the only one who has to be such a downer on the Eve of the start of a new year! I’m starting to think that it’s an omen from God telling me to not plan to have fun and let my hair down during the year until he shows me what he has in store for me.

Now on the something that everyone hears about these days – resolutions. Since I change my mind from night to day I decided that it’s useless to make a resolution for the whole year. I’m just too flaky and confused. So instead I decided to keep in mind a quote I came across these past days which is in my opinion a very good philosophy for a peaceful life: God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.
Wishing everyone a better year than the past one,
A xxx

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