Friday, January 7, 2011

Time to Say Goodbye.....For Now

7th January 2011. We’ve been hearing about this date since the beginning of last year and it seemed so far away at the time. But it’s here and practically gone. This afternoon 2 of my dearest friends and another good friend were on a plane to Holland as part of the Erasmus University project. They’re spending 3 months studying and practicing in one of the country’s hospitals as radiographers. Although this is going to be surely a great, fulfilling experience for them helping them in their future careers, all they were thinking about these past days was how much they were going to miss their friends, family, boyfriends, their room and of course our little, Mediterranean island, Malta. I honestly admire them for doing this; I’ve never even been out of the country, not even for a holiday, so for me to be away from my home would definitely break me down. Maruska, is my oldest friend of the three that left now, I’ve known her since we were about 14 but we grew closer when we were 16 and went to Junior College, since then we grew to consider each other the best of friends, we’ve been through a lot of experiences over these 4 years mostly, we’ve cried together, we’ve laughed even more together, we’ve fought over practically nothing and laughed at ourselves afterwards.  In other words not seeing her for 3 months is going to be quite tough like not seeing a sister. Roberta, is a friend I made through Maruska and most probably the person with whom it took the least amount of time for me to become friends with. You know sometimes you meet someone you don’t know and start talking to them and never stop. That’s how I immediately became her friend, could be because we’ve got a lot of things in common but also a lot of things we disagree on that make it such a balanced friendship. All I know is not meeting her every weekend and her not coming over every now and then to sleepover is going to be quite a bummer. And the worst thing about it is it was these past 3 months that I really started to realise how much I was going to miss her too. The other girl that is now in Holland, Martina, I got to know her during Physics private lessons while in Junior College and we immediately got along very well maybe because we have quite a common sense of humour and we’re also two quite loud girls so I enjoy causing chaos with her. To conclude probably my longest blog yet goodbyes are not easy on anyone but if it wasn’t for farewells we wouldn’t now the joy of welcoming someone back and also sometimes it takes being away from someone to realise just how much they mean to you. And on a positive note, this is not forever it’s just goodbye…. for now.
         Maruska & Me The 1st of many photos we have together
Roberta & Me recently on a sunny day at Imdina

Martina & Me on their Farewell night 2 days ago

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